Florescer Cuida de Você
Florescer Cuida de Você is the health care space for you and your family living here in the Netherlands.
We are a group of autonomous professionals who offer the expatriate community private individual and group services, online and in-person, based on technical and collaborative work between the areas of Psychology, Odontology, Medicine, Physiotherapy, Nutrition and Physical Education.
Our actions promote prevention and care for people's health and well-being, also offering group discussions, courses, workshops and actions aimed at interested people and care professionals.
Through our endeavors, we seek to contribute to building a more integrated, responsible, healthy, and happy society.
You can schedule the first contact with each professional through our website. The eventual follow-up of your treatment is up to each professional individually.
By scheduling our services, you contribute to Florescer Holanda’s social responsibility actions and projects.
IMPORTANT: We do not respond to emergencies. If necessary, call 112 for health emergencies and 113 for suicide prevention (or 113.nl).
Florescer Cuida de Você
Florescer Cuida de Você is the care space for you and your family living here in the Netherlands.
We are a group of autonomous professionals who offer the expatriate community private individual and group services, online and in-person, based on technical and collaborative work between the areas of Business, Medicine, Nutrition, Odontology, Psychology, Physiotherapy and Wellness.
Our actions promote prevention and care for people's health and well-being, also offering group discussions, courses, workshops and actions aimed at interested people and care professionals.
Through our endeavors, we seek to contribute to building a more integrated, responsible, healthy, and happy society.
You can schedule the first contact with each professional through our website. The eventual follow-up of your treatment is up to each professional individually.
By scheduling our services, you contribute to Florescer Holanda’s social responsibility actions and projects.
IMPORTANT: We do not respond to emergencies. If necessary, call 112 for health emergencies and 113 for suicide prevention (or 113.nl).
Our Team

Psychologist graduated from UNESP - Assis. Diploma recognized in the Netherlands.
Ana Lucia follows a psychoanalytic orientation to work with adolescents (16+) and adults (individual or couples therapy). She also works with couples in conflict or in a situation of separation using the SCHIP method, developed in the Netherlands. As a specialist in domestic victimization, she offers advice to professionals.
Ana Lucia Perez

Dental Surgeon graduated from the State University of Feira de Santana (Bahia/Brazil), with training in endodontics and fixed prosthesis. Specialist in the Family Health Program.
Master's degree in Dental Medicine from CESPU University (Portugal). Dentist by the Universidad del País Vasco (Bilbao/Spain).
Since 2016, he has been offering services at his Rocha Dental Clinic.
Euler Rocha

Nutritionist, graduated from the Federal University of Minas Gerais, postgraduate in Sports and Aesthetics, Nutrition and Eating Behavior and Nutritional Coaching.
She works with Online Nutritional Appointments and Nutritional Coaching, helping those who want individualized and personalized Nutritional Planning, aligned with their desired goals.
Talita Trindade

Ligia is a psychologist (UNIFIL), specialist in Clinical Psychology and Behavior Analysis (USP), Master in Behavior Analysis (PUC -SP), BCBA (Board Certified Behavior Analyst).
Thomas is a psychologist and behavior analyst. Professor, researcher and psychotherapist with Masters (University of North Texas) and Doctorate (PUC-SP).
They provide care for neurotypical and neurodivergent children and adolescents (autism and ADHD) in a natural environment (school, home, daycare, etc.). Parental guidance (online and group).
Ligia Oda & Thomas Woelz