Team Florescer Cuida de Você

Talita Trindade
Nutritionist, graduated from the Federal University of Minas Gerais, postgraduate in Sports and Aesthetics, Nutrition and Eating Behavior and Nutritional Coaching.
She works with Online Nutritional Appointments and Nutritional Coaching, helping those who want individualized and personalized Nutritional Planning, aligned with their desired goals.
Sessions in English and Portuguese
Rembrandtweg 41b, 3rd floor, Amstelveen
Online sessions are available
My work
My values
My services
You can book the first contact with me through Florescer Cuida de Você. By doing so, you contribute to Florescer Holanda’s social responsibility actions and projects.
The eventual follow-up of your treatment will be agreed between you and me.
Couples Package
First appointment with clinical and dietary assessment, clinical signs and complaints, history, routine, objectives, food preferences, etc.
In addition to the individualized eating plan suitable to your needs, goals, routine and preferences, you will be guided on changes and necessary strategies for your current goal.
From the second appointment, the consultations are to evaluate your adaptation, evolution, improvement of complaints, resolve doubts, and make adjustments on the dietary plan according to your adaptation and evolution.
First consultation €180 (1h)
Follow-up Consultation €165 (45min to 1h)
In person:
First consultation €220 (1h)
Follow-up Consultation €185 (45min to 1h)
Individual Monitoring
First appointment with clinical and dietary assessment, clinical signs and complaints, history, routine, objectives, food preferences, etc.
In addition to the individualized eating plan suitable to your needs, goals, routine and preferences, you will be guided on changes and necessary strategies for your current goal.
From the second appointment, the consultations are to evaluate your adaptation, evolution, improvement of complaints, resolve doubts, and make adjustments on the dietary plan according to your adaptation and evolution.
First consultation €100 (1h)
Follow-up Consultation €85 (45min to 1h)
In person:
First consultation €120 (1h)
Follow-up Consultation €98 (45min to 1h)
Weight Loss Package (4 months)
This package was created because many people come up to me with the necessity to lose weight (reduce body fat and weight) and would like to have more frequent appointments.
This package offers the possibility of monthly consultations, since more frequent contact is essential for many people to have adherence, as well as a pre-determined step by step process to be changed at each consultation, as many people feel the need to change to stay motivated.
For adults and Brazilians
4x 1h consultations, 1 per month