Team Florescer Cuida de Você

Ligia Oda & Thomas Woelz
Ligia is a psychologist (UNIFIL), specialist in Clinical Psychology and Behavior Analysis (USP), Master in Behavior Analysis (PUC -SP), BCBA (Board Certified Behavior Analyst).
Thomas is a psychologist and behavior analyst. Professor, researcher and psychotherapist with Masters (University of North Texas) and Doctorate (PUC-SP).
They provide care for neurotypical and neurodivergent children and adolescents (autism and ADHD) in a natural environment (school, home, daycare, etc.). Parental guidance (online and group).
Sessions in Dutch, English and Portuguese
School, home or clinical setting
Online parent guidance
Our work
Our values
Our services
You can book the first contact with me through Florescer Cuida de Você. By doing so, you contribute to Florescer Holanda’s social responsibility actions and projects.
The eventual follow-up of your treatment will be agreed between you and me.
Individual Psychological Assistance for Children and Adolescents
The service is provided in the child or adolescent's environment, such as at home, school, or other social contexts, depending on the relevance and objective of the sessions.
First contact
30 minutes
Regular sessions
60 minutes (can be longer if necessary and in consultation with those responsible)
Parent Guidance (online)
The service is provided online and we address the emotional and practical aspects involved in interacting with their children.
First contact
30 minutes
Regular sessions
60 minutes (with the exception of the first session, which can last up to 90 minutes)