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Attention, please!

By booking the initial contact with each professional through our website, you also contribute to the social responsibility actions and projects of Florescer Holanda.

The follow-up of your care will be under the responsibility of each individual professional.

IMPORTANT: We do not handle emergencies. If necessary, please call 112 for health emergencies and 113 for suicide prevention (or

Available Online

First Chat - Smoking Program

Learn more about the program, how the groups work and apply for insurance coverage

10 minOnline

How does this session look like?

English Our pulmonologist and Smoking Coach, Dr. Cláudia Magaldi, offers support to help you quit smoking. Taking advantage of the incentive that Stoptober brings, this month she is starting two treatment groups (in Portuguese and English), with partial or full coverage by the Dutch health insurance. This is a free online chat with Dr. Cláudia to learn more about the program, how the groups work and how to request coverage through your insurance. Português Nossa médica pneumologista especialista em tratamento do tabagismo, Dra Cláudia Magaldi, oferece acompanhamento para você parar de fumar. Aproveitando o incentivo que o Stoptober traz, nesse mês ela está iniciando dois grupos de tratamento (em português e inglês), com cobertura parcial ou integral pelo seguro de saúde holandês. Essa é uma conversa online gratuita com a Dra Cláudia para saber mais sobre o programa, o funcionamento dos grupos e a solicitação da cobertura pelo seu seguro.

To cancel or reschedule, please contact us at least 48 hours before the appointment.

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